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Industry Insights & News

PennPac Achieves SQF Re-Certification for Food Safety

PennPac is pleased to announce the Manheim, PA facility has completed its audit and recertification to the SQF Food Safety Code for Manufacture of Food Packaging – Edition 9. The entire PennPac team is both proud and grateful for the dedicated employees who work hard each day to maintain such a comprehensive program. PennPac would … Continued

Packaging Trends We See in 2024

Recent packaging trends are characterized by a strong focus on sustainability and technological integration. Here are some key packaging trends to look out for as we transition through 2024: Biodegradable and Recyclable Options: There is an increasing emphasis on using biodegradable, compostable, and recycled materials for many of todays packaging designs. Brand owners are investing … Continued

Flexible Packaging – In a Constant Cycle of Evolution

Flexible Packaging Evolution Just when we think flexible packaging films have reached a milestone of innovation, technology kicks things up another notch. From pharmaceuticals to food, various product lines are protected with eye-catching packaging to improve shelf presence. Current packaging plays a crucial role in eco-friendly efforts, including sustainability. Recent breakthroughs in flexible packaging technology … Continued

Elevating Success – Exceptional Customer Service

What is Customer Service? In today’s flexible packaging market, where film structures and support services often appear similar, one aspect that truly sets businesses apart is remarkable customer service. Success is no longer just about selling a large quantity of product or service; it’s about creating memorable experiences for your customers. Ultimately, to help them … Continued

Food Safety in Flexible Packaging Films

Meeting Demands in Food Safety   Food Safety packaging plays a crucial role in safeguarding the integrity and quality of food products. By employing barrier properties, microbial protection, and tamper resistance, effective food packaging helps prevent contamination, extends shelf life, and ensures consumer safety. Clear labeling and compliance with regulations provide consumers with essential information … Continued

Post-Industrial Recycling (PIR) vs. Post-Consumer Recycling (PCR) – Here’s the Difference

By definition, Post-Industrial Recycling (PIR) and Post-Consumer Recycling (PCR) both relate to the recycling of various waste material. In order to minimize negative environmental impacts, both processes are widely used across the globe to create new products. With today’s demand for resource conservation, environmental sustainability is becoming increasingly important. While both PIR and PCR contribute … Continued

Thermoforming and Barrier Films – Magic Within the Packaging

The Importance of Barrier Properties Consumers focus much attention to price, brand name, and general appearance of a product. Unknowingly, overlooking barrier properties packaging films exhibit behind the scenes. In addition to food packaging providing an attractive and informative shelf presentation, there’s more!  Moisture, oxygen, oil, gas and light are controlled. All of which, are … Continued

Quality & Performance

PENNPAC & PRODUCT SAFETY At all PennPac facilities, Product Safety and Film Quality begins with the approach. Consistent enforcement of purpose, culture, and policy yields favorable results. Therefore, complying with consumer health objectives. PennPac encourages open and honest communication which provides a friendly and enjoyable experience for both internal, and external customers. EMPLOYEE SUPPORT To … Continued

Stand-Up Pouches: 101

Stand-Up Pouches – 101 Continuing to expand in popularity, flexible stand-up pouches are steadily evolving in all areas of consumable product markets (dry goods, liquids, powders, etc.). Having a strong foothold in the food industry, pouches are becoming a new retail standard. With high demand for packaged food products these days, pouches have aided in … Continued

Flexible Packaging Film

PennPac Paper – Go Beyond Traditional

Embrace the Strength and Durability   Water Resistant Tear Resistant Chemical Resistant High Impact Strength Recyclable   What is PennPac Paper? PennPac Paper is a synthetic material with high opacity, made from Post Industrial Recycled (PIR) polymer content. Over 70% of its framework is derived from recycled Polypropylene extrusion waste. Of which never leaves the … Continued